Geological risk
Know Your Faults !
You don’t want to build a nuclear power center on an active fault don’t you ?

Geological risk is a know concern that has been quite overlooked sometimes in countries where seismic activity is not known to be a major risk factor.
Yet it happened that areas and faults considered as “passive” are finally active and this does raise challenges especially for major sensitive infrastructures (e.g. nuclear plants) . Studying geological risk when building a industrial plant involves assessing potential hazards and vulnerabilities associated with the geological characteristics of the site.
If these potentials hazards are known and you want to perform a known operation, you may need to monitor the risk while performing your duty such as drilling a well.
At S3, we can help you survey the regional seismicity, coupling long-term monitoring with 2D seismic surveys, maping faults from 6km deep to the surface, adding necessary lines with an adapted Geometry based on interpreation of previous acquired lines.
We can perform cost effective Seismicity Monitoring over arge areas to monitor positive magnitude events arising from fracture or wastewater injection activity.. Monitor and be alerted in real time, to stop before t’s too late.
Adapted equipment to record the data you need and its attributes. Appropriate alert systems depending on the characteritstics of the risk you want to mitigate