Geothermal energy
The Local Hero
Geothermal Energy is : local, constant, independent. Known for long, it finally starts to have the attention it deserves.

In 1911, the first Geothermal Plant in the world was built in Larderello in Italia. 112 years later, S³ was back there to perform a 3D seismic nodal survey. Geothermal Energy has been relatively ignored due to the rise of Oil.
Ecological alternative to traditional hydrocarbons and coal, its exploitation is now considered by many cities or states looking for to evaluate their geothermal potential. Why cities ? Because end-users of geothermal energy are necessarily close from the geothermal plant.
Assess this potential requires to understand the porosity / density of the rocks as well as tangible definition of the areas where hot water circulates. In the past 5 years, S³ has been acquiring numerous succesful surveys for geothermal in urban or semi-urban environnment. this brings dedicated challenges and key areas of concerns :
Adapted to the geological target, cities constrains and permitting approach
Cars, generators, subways, people, trucks. sources of noise are numerous. S³ implement effective noise-attenuation strategies with adequate design, real-time noise monitoring and dedicated acquisition strategy.
We have a unique set of vibroseis acquisition technologies allowing greater offset, bandwidth and source density through SRS™ (Simultaneous Random Sweep) to reach requested folds with best-in-clas S/N (Signal-to-Noise) ratio.